*Required fields are marked with an asterisk.



On 12/1, Fenway Health will be upgrading our patient portal to Epic's MyChart. As part of this transition, we have temporarily disabled messaging in order to ensure that your care team does not miss any of your messages when we transition to Epic.

If you would like to contact your care team, please call your doctor's office directly or the medical call center at 617-927-6300

You will be able to sign up for MyChart starting 12/1 at http://fenwayhealth.org/mychart/

MyFenway will continue to be available in a limited capacity following 12/1 if you would like to download any records or emails. Please fill out a helpdesk ticket here: https://access.fenwayhealth.org/portal/help/default\.aspx if you have any questionrs or
 if you'd like instructions on how to download your record and emails.

Thank you for your cooperation


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Enter your User ID and password.

Reminder: Passwords are case sensitive.